Meeting 16
I tarballed and submitted my code archive earlier this week. I've found a couple of small things that could have been changed since then, but nothing major.
I emailed Ernesto my second draft of the dissertation - it wasn't quite complete, still needing the last few chapters, but the main content was there. Ernesto gave comments on structure and style that I've been working into it over the last few days.
During our meeting yesterday, we discussed some of his comments on the draft, then looked through the slides I'd made for my presentation (which has now been moved to the 1st of September). Ernesto gave ideas on how to improve headers and bullets, and gave me advice on how to pace myself during the talk.
I emailed Ernesto my second draft of the dissertation - it wasn't quite complete, still needing the last few chapters, but the main content was there. Ernesto gave comments on structure and style that I've been working into it over the last few days.
During our meeting yesterday, we discussed some of his comments on the draft, then looked through the slides I'd made for my presentation (which has now been moved to the 1st of September). Ernesto gave ideas on how to improve headers and bullets, and gave me advice on how to pace myself during the talk.