Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Demo to Chris Mellish

My meeting today included a demonstration of work so far to Chris Mellish, who is very well informed in the area of natural language processing, and who had developed the heuristics my system is based on together with Ernesto.

The demo used my new interface for the ontology mining process, which is now integrated into ConcepTool: a new ontology is created by selecting "Learn" from the "Project" menu

then enter the details of what you wish to learn from

Chris was very impressed with the speed of execution and the relatively low amount of noise in results. He was even more impressed by the use of an XML file to specify the heuristics used in ontology learning. He has agreed to meet with us again next week to go over the next stage of work, which is document comparison through ontologies.

Ernesto and I discussed Stage 2 once Chris had left. The measures he suggested for making statistical comparisons included some of what I had previously considered, and a few I had not.

I kept quiet about my work so far on Stage 2 as I have already developed an XML schema for specifying how to make assertions about a document pairing provided a set of statistical conditions are met. I thought that bringing this up might hinder the thought process as the schema is a bit restrictive at the moment, and needs to be expanded to allow for more expressiveness. Also, I implemented all comparisons myself, but there are existing tools within ConcepTool that could be used to help here.


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